I thought that when school started I would have sooo much time to get caught up on life. I am ALWAYS in the car! I have 6 places to be this afternoon, and only enough time to be at 4. I need a cloning machine. I woke up 15 minutes late this morning. (Ok, I was totally awake, I just couldn't get that mattress off my back.) That put the whole house in an uproar. The boys were late getting out to the car for seminary. They didn't get breakfast before they left. I had to get Caden to make the sandwiches for lunches. All the little ones needed a bath because we were out late last night and they fell asleep on the way home. So then Abigail's hair was wet and there is not much you can do with it very quickly when it is wet. I couldn't find all the lunchboxes so everyone had to brown bag it. I forgot to wash Abigail's blanket over the weekend so that she could take it back to school for her naptime, so she was freaking out in the car. Thank goodness Matthew had one in the car and she agreed to take it with her for the day. The kitchen was a DISASTER, because NO ONE feels like they have to do their kitchen chores on Sunday.
I am on this spring cleaning kick. I guess you shoud call it fall cleaning. I already have 4 laundry baskets filled with stuff the kids have outgrown, don't want, or I don't want. I love to dejunkify.
9 people + 2 bathrooms = not enough bathrooms
Joe was getting ready in our bathroom this morning. I needed the bathroom, so I ran upstairs to snag that one before someone else did. I am no sooner in there, than 3, yes 3! people are banging on the door, demanding the door be opened. I told 2 of them to go use a tree, and let the little girl in. I miss my house in Virginia with 3 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, an actual garage that you could park a car in, gasp!, and a mudroom. Ah, the glorious mudroom.
We got a new toy. We have not had a video camera, since the days that they were the size of a toaster oven, and just as heavy. It is unbelievably small and light. We were able to video Joseph at the football game Friday night. I am so glad that we got one before he leaves us next year.
I ran a 10K on Saturday. I was so unprepared for it. I ran ONCE the past month. And it was for 2 miles. And I was SO winded, I thought I was going to puke. I had no business running a 10k.
I ran it in 1 hour 5 minutes. I am slightly proud of myself. ; ) I never stopped. Not even thru the water stations. Maybe if I get my rear in gear for the half next month, I might beat my time. Got to get moving. Anywho, got to get back to the laundry and fall cleaning.
I will leave you with this cutie. He was exhausted last night!