Sep 23, 2009

If this is what toddlerhood is like, I don't think we can handle teenagers.

We always thought that Joseph or Parker would be the first of our kids to wreck one of our vehicles. Apparently we have bred a NASCAR driver without realizing it.
Yesterday Joseph had a dentist appointment so we were headed out to the school to pick up the kids early. I told Abigail and Jacob to pick up the blocks off the living room floor and I went upstairs to get Matthew out of his crib. I heard the front door open and Jacob head out to the van. (you knew his name was going to pop up, didn't you) I really didn't think too much of it because he does it all the time. I came downstairs with Matthew and looked out the front door and the van was not there. That struck me as odd for a half a second and then I came to my senses and screamed, "WHERE IS THE VAN?!" I looked closer and I saw it sitting among the trees down the hill. It was totally like a movie, running in slow motion. I ran screaming down the hill for Jacob and I could see him in the driver's seat crying. I had to climb over the fence and thru all the poison ivy and weeds. I could barely open the door because the fence was jammed up against the driver side door. I kept asking him, "What happened? What happened?" His only reply was, "The car. The car." There was not a scratch on the child. You would think that somebody standing in the drivers seat only holding on to the steering wheel, careening backwards, down the hill at probably 15 mph would have been flung around the car, but apparently he has superhuman strength and was able to hold on.

The best I can figure is a) He grabbed the keys out of the house and decided that he was going to start the car and be helpful, (yeah right!) or b) He grabbed the keys out of the house and decided that he was going to start the car and be mischievious. (yeah, that one sounds more like it!)
So I call Joe, because now I am in a huge predicament. I have 7 kids. There are not many vehicles that we can fit in. He doesn't answer. I am not really sure what I thought he would do at that precise moment anyhow. I am still thinking "got to get to the dentist on time" so I go slipping down the hill in the mud, crawl thru the van and pull out carseats and throw them in the truck. By this time I am dripping with sweat. We high tail it to the school where the boys are sitting in the front office waiting on me. Joseph looks at me like "why are you so late?" I just shoot him a look and say, "You have no idea." We get to the dentist only 10 minutes late where we explain very calmly why we are running late.

Later that evening when Joe got home, he got on the tractor and pulled it out of the woods, off the fence, and out of the mud.

Joe asked Jacob if he wrecked mama's car. Jacob looked very panic stricken and wouldn't answer. Joe asked him again and Jacob said, "No Sham." (that is how he says no, ma'm) Joe said, "Well, who did it?" Jacob replied, "Parker".

Joe said it is probably totaled. It will cost more to get it fixed than it is worth at this point. I was really hoping to get 300,000 miles out of it. I was almost there with 268,000.

This is where it came to rest up against 2 trees.

This is a view of the back side. It looks like an accordian. The metal is just rippled and the bumper is folded in half.

This is the back of the van. The back window busted and flew out into the woods. My beloved stroller survived!

This is a view of the house from where the van was sitting. That little person on the hill is Parker. This gives you an idea of how far it traveled.

We are driving my brother-in-law's suburban. Thank goodness for family with extra vehicles lying around!

IF this child survives to be a teenager, he will NEVER get his license. I can just hear the insurance company now....hmm, If he totaled a car at the age of 3, yep, let's push their rates thru the roof!

All in all, we are truly thankful that he is ok. As Joe put it, it is probably a lot like our Heavenly Father looks at us. We couldn't punish him, more than he had punished himself. We hugged him, kissed him, and told him we were so glad that he was ok. Along with NEVER GET IN THE VAN AGAIN! Heavenly Father loves us and forgives us for the really dumb stuff that we do.

Hopefully the insurance company will forgive us!


The Greens said...

Oh my goodness!! That is terrifying and funny at the same time (probably not funny to you)! I don't think I would have made it to the dentist!!!

I love reading your posts-- I think I relate to your life better than to any other!! I feel like I'm just reading about our family-- and it's soothing to know that someone else has a sock basket!!! (:


Jen said...

Never a dull moment! I can't believe you even tried to get to the dentist. I think I would have rescheduled. You definitely handle things better than I would have. I am also so glad that Abigail didn't go out there with him and try to "stop" it or something. You guys truly are blessed!!!

I, too, love reading about your family's adventures!! Ü

Kristen said...

I read this with my mouth hanging wide open. This is the kind of thing you hear on the news! I am so glad Jacob was unhurt, what a terrifying moment to see the van at the bottom of the hill. Hopefully he will be too scared to even think about getting his license at 16! If you need rides or anything, just give me a call.

Jennifer and Clay said...

Wow. What a day you had... You are a much stronger/more resilient woman than I am, I would have called and canceled the dentist!

I'm sorry about your car, but so very glad that your little "wild thing" is okay. There is an angel just sitting on that kid's shoulder, isn't there?

Jen said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS. My eyes are buggin' out of my head right now!!! I am so glad you posted pictures. :) And SO glad that he was ok.

You have the best stories!

The Peters Family said...

Whoa! If you lived in a subdivision he would've landed in someone's living room with the distance he went. Very impressive!
I would've freaked.
These pics can be on the invites to his 16th Birthday party...and if he and Anna ever go out on a date she can drive :-)
He amazes me.

Heather said...

I agree with Christianne, this is funny and scary at the same time!

My brother ran my dad's truck through an insurance building when he was 4. My dad went in to pay and all the sudden they heard something crash into the building. They all thought a plane had hit the building. Well, when they went outside they found it was Eric behind the wheel of my dad's truck. :)

Beccarigg said...

Oh my word!!! I too had my mouth gaping open the whole time I read this! That is insane Lisa!!! I'm so glad he was okay and just amazed beyond all measure that you made it to the dentist still! I always say this but you really should turn some of these stories into a memoir, they are proof that reality is much more exciting and interesting than fiction!

Linda said...

Hey Lisa, its T-town. I am so glad I went to your do a great job of sharing your family 'adventures'. When Spencer was about 10 he was playing with some kids in our yard and they came to the door and said our car had rolled down the driveway and they tried to stop it! It BARELY missed the power pole, the mailboxes, the neighbor's house, and was resting inches from the house, stopped by a tree. It had been left in park.
I am glad your car rolled into the forest, and so grateful all else is well. Do you HAVE to tell the insurance company? Your daughter looks very much like one of her aunts at that age. SO SO CUTE...what a great family! And I was sorry to read about the loss of your mother-in-law. I am sorry.

Erin said...

That's all I can say.

Sharalea said...



I love your writing style, I'm so glad no one was hurt--sorry you lost your van, I'm still in shock!!

Christian and Katie said...

Whoa! I about had a heart attack reading this! It was beating out of my chest! I am so glad that he is okay! So sorry that your van bit the dust!
And I am impressed beyond measure that you still managed to get to the dentist only mere minutes late! You need to put an S on your chest and have a night out!

Norma said...

Oh my gosh! I felt your emotions and fear right along with you when you realized the van was gone.

Obviously he was ok or your post would be totally different but still, I think my heart dropped for a bit.

I'm sooo glad he is ok.

And I can't believe you still made it to the dentist!

Jenny said...

POor little guy! Jake backed into our van today...shhhh, don't tell my Dad! ;) Nothing like this, though! No way would I have had the frame of mind to get to the dentist!! You are too good!

Julee said...

Oh my my my! I am so glad everyone is alright. I sincerely believe it's a miracle that anyone survives his/her childhood. And for some, it's an extra super dooper dooper miracle.