Sep 20, 2009

Squirrel Huntin'

A few weeks ago it was "free" squirrel hunting day. (for those uninitiated folks, yes, you really do have to have a hunting license to hunt squirrels and yes, people really do eat squirrels!) The 3 big boys were off in different directions and so Joe took Gabriel hunting. Ever since he got a bb gun for his birthday he has been dying to go hunting. They went up into the woods and sat for several hours. Joe kept asking him if he was ready to go back to the house and he kept telling him, no he wasn't leaving until he got a squirrel. Alas, no squirrels, but a very happy little boy who got to sit in the trees with his dad for several hours one very beautiful sunny morning.

(no, you can't really hurt a squirrel with a bb gun, but Gabe doesn't know that!)

1 comment:

Norma said...

Come shoot all the ones that get run over on the road down here in AL!