Apr 25, 2010

Burning Question

So, I gotta know. Anybody else's kids holler out embarrasing things as you drag them out of the chapel at church? Such as "I gotta pee! I gotta pee! I gotta pee!"
As loudly as possible?


Jennifer and Clay said...

How about Reagan and when he went through his "You scare me" phase??? That one was pretty bad...

Kristen said...

I believe it was Trevor who shouted at the top of his lungs, "MOM I gotta poop...it's already coming out!!" Not his finest hour.

Christian and Katie said...

Claire yelled "I've gotta take a dump!" in sacrament meeting. We're just a classy family!

Lila said...

Evan's not old enough yet but he does scream bloody murder and kick and twist out of my arms when it's time to come back inside from playing outside! I know my neighbors really think I'm torturing him! yikes.

MomSqrt said...

my littlest once came into sacrament meeting yelling, "I did, I did it! I went pee pee on the potty!"

luckily we weren't sitting up at the front of the chapel that week!

Jen said...

At least he didn't yell, "Daddy! PLEASE HELP ME!!" Ü

LauraB said...

I thought that was classic! I enjoyed the smiles from the Bishopric when he said it ;-)

MotherMonkee said...

We were sitting with another mom and her little girl who can't be quite 2. Caitlyn was coloring and the little girl wanted to color too. I let her color with Cait. All of a sudden Caitlyn yells out "She colors like CRAP!" Mind you this was right in the middle of sacrament meeting. I was so embarrassed.

Beccarigg said...

I watched a Dad take a kid out while the little guy was screaming, "PLEASE DON'T SPANK ME DAD!!" pretty funny!