Have you ever.....
-woken up on a Monday to a disaster, because the kids were all home for the past 3 weeks for Christmas and snow and it looks like you never lifted a finger?
-gone to unload the dishwasher after a child has loaded it, and there are 12 dishes in it while the sink is stockpiled with the contents of the cabinets?
-thought that your laundry was all caught up and you go upstairs and find 8 loads of laundry under the bunkbeds?
-had to put a child in time-out 7 times in one day for hitting, pulling hair, and kicking?
-walked out onto the backporch and found all the snow gear that 5 people wore the previous day frozen to the porch?
-wondered why the phone hasn't rung for days and find out that someone has pulled the cord loose from the plug and broken it?
-walked out of a just cleaned room and the furniture "magically" rearranges itself back into the fort that was there previously?
-woken up a child for seminary and then told that you don't like him because you never woke him up when he sleeps right thru seminary?
-gotten to school and a child realizes they forgot their shorts for gym and it was all your fault?
-swept the floor and walked back thru and crunched all over the bag of fritos that the baby poured all over it?
-turned a spider man costume right side out 14 times in one day?
-found your couch, floor, and coffee table "decorated" with strawberry milk because the stopper fell out of the lid of the tippy cup?
-witnessed a fight between 2 teenagers on a Sunday morning over a pair of socks?
-crunched all over a box of fish crackers that were dumped out on the 2nd swept floor and put them back in the box without telling anyone?
-eaten a half a bowl of icing because the cupcakes were all gone and it was sitting on the counter? um, me neither. Just asking you know....
-driven a suburban around a very sharp curve and get too close to a mailbox and whack off the sideview mirror?
-watched your teenage son fall to the mat during a wrestling meet in agony and want to rush to his side, but know full well that would be more humilating than whatever happened to him, so you gnaw your lip off trying not to shout out anything while you sit in the bleachers?
-walked into the bathroom and saw the newly built and installed cabinet that hubby spent a week on, broken off the wall, and the window sill and trim busted, because somebody who is big enough to know better decided the top shelf would be a great place to hide?
-had the chance to unload a dishwasher with an 18 month old that hands you dish by dish saying "Dank you" after each one?
-had a child come home from school and say they just wanted to give you a hug all day long?
-had the baby follow right behind and hug your leg?
-had a teenager get up all by himself at 5:00a.m., go work out, shower, pack a lunch and wake you up for the day?
-gotten a call from a 16 year old who forgot his lunch and after finding out that it was dropped off for him, tell you he loves you in front of all his friends?
I guess it hasn't been such a bad week after all!
How do you do it with 7 kids? I can hardly keep up with three. Thank goodness those adorable sweet things make up for the times you are ripping your hair out and about to take a crowbar to everything so you can start over!!! I LOVED your Christmas letter and picture! Kelly and I laughed so hard (but also felt bad for you) when we read about Mathew wrecking the van! That was the funnest letter! Man I miss you guys!
Hey Lisa! How are you?? Thanks for following my blog... I hope to keep it up better this year!! Hope you all are doing well!!
just a week? that all happened in one week? phew!!
It's only Wednesday... Hope you guys have plans for a fun date Friday night. Thanks for answering my emails amidst all that is going on!
I feel your pain...-2 anyway!
I am so glad that there haven't been any snow days this week...my house is mostly clean again!
precious memories...the good and the bad. Being a mom is the most rewarding and hardest job on the face of the earth! What would we do without them! (wonder how many of those were jacob's happenings!!!) Gotta love it!
tough week and great week all rolled into one! you had me laughing several times especially about hte new cabinet.
You need a vacation :)
Awww. Sweet ending! Those are the moments that make everything else worth it huh? It was so fun to come and see everyone! Love you guys!
Oh my gosh, those are such heart felt warming moments! Lisa, I wish I had talked with you more. YOU ARE FUNNAY!! LOL,
I love the way you write and share your day! eeks, I think I might be hooked on another blog. So, I may be stalking you for a few.
Remind me, um... not to ask you if you have any snacks on Sunday. Especially, if its gold fish crackers.
These things are so funny to me because these brought me down memory lane! You have a great family,
Thanks for commenting. It has been a long road but we are excited. We will be closer to him but he will be putting his papers in for his mission when college is out. (may)
I laughed so hard reading that list and imagining those scenarios in my mind. Still I have to confess, I got a little teary eyed at the end. Thanks for including those priceless mommy moments that are so deliciously wonderful that they seem to erase all the craziness that comes with having kids.
p.s. I've never eaten a half a bowl of frosting by myself either (wink wink! )
Your post made me laugh. What a week!
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