At Christmas time we were so blessed to be able to have all of my brothers and their families in. We haven't all been together in about 6 years and there were babies we haven't even gotten to see yet. We had so much fun visiting with each other. We decided to take family pictures one day, in the rain. We are very smart like that.
Joe and I

All the girls. One great thing about having so many brothers, is that eventually you get awesome sisters out of the deal. We have one more to marry off!
Heather, me, mom, Mandy, and Jessica

Me and all my
little bros. We are all 4 years apart except for the twins of course.
Kyle, Kevin, me, Keith, and Corey

The family. This one was LOTS of fun. (sarcastic voice inserted here ; ))

All the husbands and wives.

Our little family.

I wish that we all lived in the same town (or at least the same state) so that it wasn't 6 years in between visits. Love you all!
Awesome pictures! You are so pretty Lisa!
Loved seeing all your pictures, Lisa. Your family has a very special place in my heart. -- Debby
What a happy reunion! Love all the pictures.
There is nothing greater than family! I love that you took the time to take family pictures and groupings! So, what was it like growing up 4 years apart from each other? Do you find that you are all closer now because your commonalities are greater?
I also didn't realize you had 7 children. I thought you only had the 4 younger.
Last comment... I like your humor. It's really a lot like mine, or so it sounds how I read it. LOL
But, first impressions in real life, I mistook you for the serious, no nonsense kind of gal, mother of 4 door step kids, and SKINNY, which automatically in my mind put you in the perfect category.
I hadn't realized you had 3 older children, the wife of the bishop and SKINNY! still in the perfect category which then instantly meant you did not have a sense of humor or would be fun! Niiiiiiice huh? Now that I see you with 7 children, I know you are just as crazy as I. LOL, just kidding. I always wanted 6 children and adopt 4, but my body just quit and 4 kiddos was all I was able to have. Hate when it betrays me like that. But, there is always adoption! a nice sibling group! but.... then you're still skinny! LOL
But, as I continue to read you, I am really liking you and I like that your hubs is a germaphobe because I am too! Yeah, you have just experienced my verbal pukage. So, sorry! delete please.
Looks like great fun. We are big fans of family photos when we are lucky enough to have everyone together...which usually only happens when someone gets married! Chad's siblings are all married off now and I have only one left, so I am guessing we won't be all together anytime soon!
You look great, Lisa. I don't think you have aged at all in your 30s! Love looking at pictures of you guys!
I just did a double take when I saw your brothers. James and I went to BYU with Kevin and Keith and we were in the same ward (83rd) together. What is your maiden name? That is so funny!!
Cute pictures by the way you look HOT!! See running a half marathon pays off!
actually I thought about it some more and I think we were in the same freshman ward (not James)
i cannot compete with roxann's comment LOL. ;) i don't know why but i didn't have your blog on my favorites, therefore haven't been up on the happenings! sooo sorry! but i LOVE your family pics. my fav is the one in your header. it looks sneakily like tre's barn at ict but then again, there are many many red barns. :) xoxo
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