Jan 20, 2010

Since when do boys care what they look like?

This past weekend, we visited family and brought my nephew home with us. He is Joseph and Parker's best friend in the world. They had so much fun all day doing all sorts of wonderful, dangerous things that only boys can find joy in. Stop reading right here mom. Riding the 4 wheeler up and down the driveway. Oh wait, did I mention it doesn't have a motor and you have to haul it up the driveway with the truck. Once you are at the top of the driveway you hop on and everybody chases you down the driveway with airsoft guns. repeat, repeat... Shooting off leftover fireworks. Playing basketball. See, that's not dangerous! We can be civilized!
As the day wears on, My sister-in-law calls me to let me know they won't be coming up for supper and picking up their son, so can I please meet them? Sure, no problem, although we were super bummed that we weren't going to get to visit with them. We all hop into the suburban as is and head down the road to meet in the center which is a Dollar General. I realize on the way there that we have no bread for school lunches and figure I will just send one of the big boys into the store because I actually had cash in my purse. We drop off cousin and I ask Joseph and Parker who would like to go in and pay $5.00 for some stale bread. I figured they would both be jumping at the chance. They both look at me incredulously and reply, "I am not dressed to be seen in public!" Are you kidding me? These are the same boys that went to Opryland Hotel looking like this last month..........

It was a Very cold night and since they are way too cool to wear a coat, they grabbed whatever blankets they could find in the suburban. They walked around like this for half the night.

Meanwhile I had to go in to the store in my UT orange crocs and ratty sweatshirt. Next time, I WILL make you buy a delicious school lunch!


Kristen said...

Ha! I needed a good laugh, that is priceless!

Norma said...


Beccarigg said...

LOL!! I'm so happy I know them because it makes it that much funnier!

Lesa said...

Hi Penningtons! I just wanted to let you know I stopped by. I got your blog address from my parent's Christmas letter. :O)
We have a blog too (if you're interested)!
-Lesa (Sperry)

Julee said...


tiki_lady said...

LOL, that is soo funny! At times, I am not dressed appropriately to be seen in certain stores, but maybe the $ general would be ok, for most days. LOL
I might have gone home and made up a loaf of bread, you know the Molly that I am!
You are still such an anomaly to me! DANG those first impressions.
Your last name should be Solomon! Because what your boys did is exactly how we like to entertain ourselves. I also like that you let them drive the truck up and town the driveway. We basically will find or create trouble but at least we have fun doing it. I like chill and laid back sort of peeps!

I keep going back and forth with a house and a house with land. If we get a house with land its a 45 min. commute to work and 20min to stores and conveniences. If we buy a home in town, it's a neighborhood and just a house. but, I am truly lazy and hate getting out. I verge on being a hermit some days. But, once I'm out. I'm out. If we had food to last a week and I didn't have to run the kids around. i would be perfectly content staying in my home. There are pros and cons of city and country living. And this story makes me want to live out farther.