Apr 1, 2010

Just one more?

When I was a young girl, I always wanted 10 kids. Why? Probably because I am crazy, but as we ammassed more and more kids, and the timing was not always on our terms, we came to the conclusion that we might not have 10. 7 was good. Pretty darn good. Their ages span from 17 down to 1. That is a pretty great distance in my eyes. They sweet thing is that even the older ones still want more brothers, (not necessarily sisters though!) They ask me frequently if we are done. I have always assured them that, "yes, we were pretty sure that our family was complete."

Until now......

About a month ago, I wasn't feeling so well. No big deal, probably just a stomach bug. Turns out it was about a 9 month "stomach bug"! I am still quite shocked. Looks like around Thanksgiving we will be a family of 10!

April Fools! Had you going there didn't I?


Sharalea said...

Nice one.
I was so excited for you, too!!!


Maybe it will happen anyway. Just for posting this!! lol

Jen said...

Let's see how funny you think this is when it really comes true! :)

(And yes, you totally got me!)

Kristen said...

Good one! The whole time I was reading it I was like...Nahh, this HAS to be a joke!

Jen said...

I totally forgot it was April 1st. Wow. I was excited for you, but thought you hid it well last night talking about running the half marathon in October!

The Greens said...

Oh my gosh-- that was so good! I might have to steal that one!!!

Unknown said...

Whew - you got me good too. While reading this at work I hollared out "WHAT?" and scared a patient out in the hall. ggrrrrr :-) mom

~Erica and her gang~ said...

Hahahaha!! That's funny Lisa. Made my April Fool's Day complete. (still laughing)

The Peters Family said...

LOL! Awesome!!!
Best post ever!

Meghan said...

You almost had me! :)

Heather said...

Hahaha! That was a good one Lisa:-) Love you guys!

tiki_lady said...

congrats!!! I'm so happy! I was going to say, you have to go for 8 or at least an even number! I have a thing about odd numbers. My parents had 3 and I hated it! I always wanted 10 to 12 children. My body just doesn't like being pregnant and the babies barely make it, here so I knew when I had 3 number 4 was a sure thing. I was going to die having it and almost did. But seriously, I just knew there was another boy up there from the moment my first boy was born. Congrats, so happy for you!

tiki_lady said...


tiki_lady said...

HUGE PUNK!!! I flick boogers in your direction!

tiki_lady said...

NOoooo, I'm slipping into your side drawer with a needle and poking little tiny holes everywhere!

tiki_lady said...

OR I'm in cahoots with the BIG GUY up above and HE is going to get his laugh after all! I'm going to start prayin' that your as fertile as a cow pasture! and ohhhh....



Jennifer and Clay said...

Wow...you really ticked off Mother Goose, didn't you???

I think that there might be karma involved here - you'd better be very very careful (spoken in an Elmer Fudd type voice)...

Anyway, you do so great with the 7, I'm sure you'd do awesome with 8 - besides...the oldest will leave home soon anyway...

So, what's one more???

Wendy said...

Sorry to say I was warned...Erica told me I had to read this post, it was right after talking about the April Fools joke I played on Facebook. I would have been fooled otherwise!

Norma said...

You totally had me, I was so excited for you guys. You just better go knock on wood! Miss you guys!

gretchen said...

Ha Ha Ha! you totally had me! In fact I was doing math in my head...does she mean family of 10 with only kids counted. Is she preg. with three...I was totally freaking out!

Ha Lisa! good one!

Mama Mary said...

Man! You got me too! However, IF anyone could handle another child it is YOU! The world could use another Joseph times a million!! I believe I read that you were fearful of your April fools joke bitting you in the butt. . .hmmm. . .watch out!

The Checks Mix said...

You're hilarious Lisa! I knew it had to be a joke because I just got done visiting with Kim, Tabatha, and Morgan (here in Rexburg to pick up Tabatha) and Kim was saying you were definitely done and I know Kim would fill me in!! We had a blast having Kyle and Tabatha over for Easter dinner. It made me miss you of course, but--guess what--we are moving to St. Louis next month! I know it's not Tennessee but it is only 5 1/2 hours from Murfreesboro so we will DEFINITELY be coming to visit this summer. We are also right on the way to Nauvoo (only 3 1/2 hours)which is a great stopping point. I am sad to leave my family but so excited to be near my Tennessee family!

