Apr 15, 2010

Out of the mouth of 5 year olds...

One day Abigail asked me why Jacob got to go to school (speech) and she didn't since she was so much older than him. I told her that he went so that Ms. Sheila could help him talk better. She exclaimed, " So when he gets finished with speech he will talk weller like me!"

This morning as I was putting on my makeup Abigail was watching me perform my "magical transformation". She asked me why I put all that funny stuff on my face. I hesitated telling her it was to cover up my freckles, my age spots, the dark circles under my eyes, and my wrinkles. I don't ever want her to be self concsious of her cute little freckles. I want her to be a confident young lady. I want her to feel comfortable with who she is and what she looks like. ( slightly hypocritical, no?) As I stood there thinking about how I would answer her she said, "Do you use it to cover up all those lines on your face?" I told her, "Yep, that is what I use it for", and she replies, "Well it sure does do a good job! It's like magic! You can't even see them anymore!"

Thanks sweetie.


Jennifer and Clay said...

Love it!

Don't feel bad...I think that kids are put on this earth just to bring us down a few notches! Mine do it all the time...

Kristen said...

Gotta love the things they come up with! A few months ago at dinner Blake looked up from his plate and exclaimed, "Wow Mom, this isn't half bad!" and when he got into the car the day I got my hair chopped off he said, "Nice haircut Mom, I hardly recognized you!" He will make some poor girl so happy/irritated someday!

Meghan said...

Oh man, I got a good laugh!! Kids. They are funny and honest and blunt. :)

Beccarigg said...

So funny!! Life is so much more entertaining with kids : )

Jodi said...

You gotta loves a child's honesty. That's cute :)

Anonymous said...

I love it!! :)

tiki_lady said...

ok, its time to share what it is that you use to cover up those lines! I want some magic! or magic eraser!

Norma said...

so cute! At least you didn't make her feel self conscious about her freckles!