Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! That alarm clock is so annoying! It is too early to get up. So I push snooze..... 4 more times. Dangit! Why didn't I get up when my alarm clock rang? Now I don't have time for a shower before I get the kids out the door for seminary. I throw on some ratty sweats, Parker's old flip flops, and my hat. Hurry up guys, your ride is going to be here in 20 minutes! Hurry up and make breakfast, lunches and iron clothes. Say prayers, that it is going to be a great day and get the big boys out the door, wake up the other kids, feed them breakfast, tell Gabe to get dressed, and break up the fight between 2 little boys who want the same tippy cup. Tell Gabe to stop looking at the hole in his mouth where his 4 teeth used to be and get dressed! Start packing up little ones in the car to go and pick up the kids from seminary. Tell Gabe that he is going in his underwear and crazy hair because I am leaving RIGHT NOW! We are in the car and I am playing the compassionate mother and laying on the horn for Caden and Gabe to get out there. We get the boys picked up, and dropped off at school. I am heading home and the suburban starts sputtering and then dies. Thank goodness I had enough sense to pull off on the side of the road. At that point it dawned on me that 2 days earlier I looked at the gas gauge and it said empty. I was riding on fumes for a good solid day. I call my WONDERFUL visiting teaching companion, drag her out of bed and beg her to bring me some gas.
You gotta love living in the south. Everybody stops and asks you if you need help. Good thing I was all dolled up. We make it home, and I take a shower, dress the kids, and we head out the door to run some errands. We stop by Sam's and wreak havoc on the monthly budget. As we get out to the car and unload the last of the groceries, Jacob informs me that he has to pee right now!! I tell him there is no way we are going back into the store. He starts dancing, so I look around and see a vacant parking lot. I tell him to come out here and block his view with the 2 doors of the car. He pees, and I stand there waiting for him leaning up against the car beside us. All of the sudden there appears an elderly couple right beside me. I realize at the moment, that I am not leaning against just any old car, it was a BMW. Their BMW. They look at me, and as I turn bright red and try to pull up my kids underwear, I try to explain my lack of reverence for their car. And the puddle Right in front of their driver's side door. Thank goodness, they laugh and tell me not to worry, but I am glad for this one time that we live in a huge city and I will probably never run into them again.
I race home, put away the groceries, feed the kids lunch which Abigail tells me she doesn't like and is really not that very hungry anyway. We load back up into the car, and go and pick up the kids from school. When we get home, everybody bolts from the car, with an assigned buddy to take care of as Joseph and I head to the orthopaedist to get his ankle x-rayed from spraining it a few weeks ago. As we sit there in the office, and wait, and wait, and wait, Joseph starts fidgeting because he has to be at work at 5:30. "Will you just chill already, we will make it in time," I keep telling him. As we leave the office to pay, I glance at the clock and HOLY COW, it is 5:03! We are NEVER going to make it across town in time! We fly down the stairs, jump into the truck and tear out of the parking lot and race across town. We get there right in the nick of time. Whew! He calls me 30 seconds later and says, "um, mom, I didn't have to be here until 6:00."
I sit in the parking lot waiting for a woman that I contacted on Craigslist. She has a brand new converter box for the TV that she is selling for $25. Sweet deal. "Not me", threw our other remote down the stairs and busted it into smithereens. No biggie, I will just get another remote. Nope, can't do that. They have to be the original one that came with the box. You will just have to shell out another $60 bucks at Best Buy lady. I buy it from her and head home to make some supper. I talk to my mom on the way home and tell her that I will be able to watch our favoritest show in the world tonight (biggest loser) because I finally got a new box. She says, "please tell me you did not go and buy a new box." I tell her, "no sweat, I got it pretty cheap off of craigslist." She then informs me that she has 2 brand new boxes that she doesn't need because they have cable. Of course you do!! Aagh! (not your fault mom, save one, because I will probably be needing it in another year or 2 ; )) I get home, throw burgers on the grill and go back inside to wash the dishes from breakfast, so that the kitchen will be clean for 30 seconds before we eat supper. Parker is outside hollering at me and gesturing wildly toward the grill. Aagh, the burgers! They are now each of the size of a silver dollar and blacker than soot. I'm all for eating them and masking the charcoal with a bunch of mayo and ketchup, but nobody else is going for that idea. Joe makes new burgers, and fries them, much to my delight. I throw the kids in the tub and run upstairs to watch "my program" as the boys like to call it. We get about 23 minutes into it and Joseph calls and says he is done. Mumble and grumble all the way to work to pick him up and then head back home to get everybody settled in bed. I sit on the couch and snuggle with hubby to watch the news and fall asleep in approximately 5.3 minutes.
I wish that I could say that this day was extraordinarily crazy, but unfortunately this is very normal.
Meghan, this post is for you! ; )
I think I've said it once before-- I relate to your blog more than any other!! In fact, just yesterday I had the same experience of running out of gas on the way to pick up Jes from school-- and I was not only wearing grubbies, but I had matched them with Sunday shoes (the closest things to the door that I could slip on). AND I didn't have a phone, so I had to walk down the road like that until I could flag someone down. Love it. (:
This post WAS for Meghan.
I just woke up from my afternoon siesta and now I'm tired again after reading and imagining my way through a day in your world.
Thanks for being one of the super mamas that I admire so much!!
PHEW!!! Holy, holy, holy cow!!!
Did you breath or pee all day long?
Thanks for the post :)
lol. wow. i would like to look up your address and send you flowers but who knows when you will be home or how you will get there and in what state you will be to sign for them! :D well... here's some virtual flowers to put an extra skip in your step for all that running you do. Love you! :)
You forgot to mention the extra 6 miles you drove that day to pick me up so I could get my kids from school. I did enjoy visiting with you for those few minutes. I miss the days of getting the little kids together to play and visiting with other moms. Life seemed so simple back then.
It makes me feel better that you didn't coupon and save 93% on your grocery bill, run 10 miles that evening with all that extra energy you had, give piano lessons to 6 of the 7 kids, help kids with projects, mow the yard, work on merit badges, do a couple scrapbook pages and weed your organic garden. Ü
You are definitely an ultimate mom! You kids don't realize how blessed they are to have you and all you do for them!
"not me"...I love it.
This post had Stephan and me laughing.
Yikes! Unfortunately, I can relate to pretty much all of this, especially the part about it being a pretty typical day!
OH my! I was going to say, I bet other than the Sam's run it might happen too many times, then not. I've had days like that where I just wonder, why did I even bother getting out of bed?.. I'm usually good with throwing the burgers in the oven on broil and I'm up for drowning burnt things in mayo and ketchup, too. Sadly, no one else is in my family, so our dog eats black chips, at least once a month.
Oh my gosh! Too funny Lisa! The part about peeing on the BMW had me rolling! I can only the imagine the damage you do to your budget at Sams, I do considerable damage myself and that's just for a family of 4! Loved this post, you really are a supermom!
I think I need a nap now!
I always laugh at your posts, which I am surprised you have time to put on your blod in the first place! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't have myself dressed and ready until 1:00 today- and I only have two kids!
Love you!
Well at least now I know that you do not always look perfect and have the perfect kids with the house spotless and dinner looking and tasting awesome. It makes me feel better to know that you are a little bit closer to my level and I only have 3 kids. But you still give me something to aim for. Thanks!
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